Restoring The American Boy Ten-Stamp Mill

This mill was manufactured by the Fraser Chalmers Iron works of Chicago, Illinois. These two five-stamp batteries were originally part of the 60-stamp mill erected in 1887 at the Empire Mine, about  20 miles northwest of Helena, Montana. In 1928, 10 of the 60 stamps were moved to the Jay Gould mine about 17 miles northwest of the Empire Mine. Sometime in the 1950’s the mill was moved to the American Boy Mine about two miles to the northwest of the south side of Stemple Pass. Then in the early 1980’s the stamp mill was moved again by Joe Pauley to Rosemond, California with the intent to sell it to one of the Disneyland properties, but that sale was not completed.  Dennis Casebier purchased it from Joe in 1996 and a major undertaking of moving the mill parts to Goffs was undertaken. Many other pieces of mining equipment from Joe Pauley are scattered around the grounds. Restoration of the mill began in October, 2010 under the direction of Charlie Connell, a stamp mill construction expert and historian from Arizona along with a number of his long time volunteers. It was completed in September of 2013 after an estimated 5,460 hours of labor. Over 40 volunteers worked on the restoration.

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