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A blog dedicated to the Mojave Desert community.
Experience the Mojave River Flood that occurred between January 11th and 12th, 2005.
guz·zler /'g&z-l&r, / noun — a man-made catch basin designed to enhance natural waters. Following desert art, history, archives, Mojave Road and The Westerner.
Discover other California, Arizona, and Nevada Desert cultural and heritage organizations sharing similar interests with the Mojave Desert Heritage and Cultural Association.
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Outdoor Vehicle Recreation (OVR) is a premium magazine focused on wheel-based adventuring and was created and launched by five outdoor enthusiasts that have spent their entire careers in the automotive field. With a passion for backcountry recreation and vehicle-based adventuring, OVR Magazine was launched as a passion project to show that rich, exceptional journalism doesn't have to be compromised for profit.
OVR is THE magazine for outdoor, vehicle-based recreation and will reintroduce you to print, the way it was always meant to be – big, beautiful, and brought to you by people who care about delivering to the enthusiast, a finely crafted product. Please use the discount code: MDHCA and choose between a full year of access to the OVR digital magazine archive (downloadable for offline reading), or a 10-percent discount off of a high-quality, bi-monthly printed magazine.
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