- Eric Aarrestad
- Julius D. Alexander
- Lynn Julius Alexander
- Francisco G. Alves
- William J. Anderson
- Roy Arbuckle
- Theophulis G. Ashwell
- Estella Baker
- Arnold Winfred Beaty
- Edward J. Bell
- James Bell
- Willard R. Bell
- Nina May Bell
- Jacob Berlin
- Edwin Birge
- Eddie DeForest Blair
- Ray Oakley Blair
- Henry Clay Blanchett
- Edgar A. Blish
- Delwood H. Block
- Bonanza King Cons. Mng. Co.
- Fred H. Boswell
- Millard F. Bronson
- Francis M. Brooke
- Lionel Brooke
- Lida Brooks
- Fred Brown
- Harvey R. Brown
- Robert L. Brown
- Lee D. Buchen
- Everett Leon Burroughs
- Arthur W. Buttman
- Augustus S. Butz
- Leslie P. Cameron
- Alva L. Carothers
- George F. Carruthers
- Howard Frank Carter
- William H. Carter
- Catherine Casteel
- Melvane Chambless
- Edward M. S. Clark
- Rachel S. Clyman
- Forrest Franklin Cole
- Laurtz Cordtz
- Nannie Marie Craig
- Charles Croft
- Charles John Dahl
- George Daniels
- Thomas F. Davis
- Roy Frank Dean
- Sidney Dennis
- Joseph R. Dilley
- Joseph M. Dorr
- Joseph Omar Dorr
- Lawrence Lewis Draper
- Robert E. Edwards
- Millard F. Elliott
- Millard Fillmore Elliot
- Lewis Emde
- David Fansher
- Ethellena M. Fansher
- Edward Grieve Farmer
- Zachariah C. Farmer
- William Albert Finney
- Harry Truman Ford
- Clarence Earl Fox
- Ezra P. Frankum
- Arthur R. French
- Clyde W. French
- Arthusa Froman
- Herbert Graham Gibson
- William H. Gladwill
- Mary VanDyke Golden
- Soloman Gortikov
- Earle G. Greening
- Mary A. Guirado
- Jacob Haley
- Thomas B. Hammond
- David Mitchell Henderson
- Frank Henry
- Shoptaugh Heironimus
- George A. Hocker
- Mathew C. Hodnett
- Ulysses Hodnett
- Richard W. Hodnett
- William Hodnett
- George Holbrook
- Robert H. Hollimon
- Harry Eugene Howe
- Harry E. Howe
- Lucian Huddleston
- Fred Hughes
- William J. Husong
- Stonewall Jackson
- Elanor Curtis Jacoby
- Leslie Byron Jacqueth
- Leslie B. Jaquith
- William Edward Jarvis
- Swan P. Johnson
- John David Jones
- Anna Jones
- Edgar Lorraine Keithley
- Clifford Kelley
- Kelly Kerr
- Lucy Helen King (Gayle)
- Charles Dodge Kline
- Erle J. Kline
- John A. Kousch
- Clarence Hiehn Kriedler
- Herschel Spencer Lander
- Ernest L. Lanfair
- Josephine B. Lanfair
- Harry Ferdinand Larson
- George M. Lindsay
- George Lindsay
- Nathan Lowe
- Clyde Malone
- William Markt
- Ray H. Martin
- Bert Marvin
- John Massie
- Harace Blackwood Mayberry
- Elvin L. McClain
- Jesse C. McClellan
- Carl E. McClaine
- Lee W. McClanahan
- John Brookman Mighton
- Jesse Estes Mitchell
- Louis Molina
- Monarch Iron Consolidated and Co.
- Belle Monday
- Tom R. Morgan
- Valentine William Morrow
- Henry Morton
- Almon K. Mosher
- John Richard Moulton
- Spencer Lawrence Moulton
- Anson E. Murphy
- Frank D. Murphy
- Bernhard Nelson
- Elmer Marion Norris
- Alice Whitney Noyes
- James Allen Noyes
- George F. Nurminger
- Harvey H. Ogden
- John A. Otto
- OX Cattle Co. Ltd
- Pacific Nitrate Company
- Edgar Guy Pinney
- Eliza Louisa (formerly Hawthorne) Reynolds
- Lucinda A. Riedel
- Frank Theodore Rimpau
- Louise Rimpau
- Louis F. Rochat
- Kenny Anslem Rock
- Michael Rock
- Rock Springs Land and Cattle Co.
- Lewis Albert Ross
- Bert M. Sharp
- Millie C. Sheppard
- Herman R. Shiershke
- John L. Shipley
- Bert George Smith
- Lila A. Smith
- Fleetwood Henry Southcott
- Southern Pacific RR
- Julia A. Stokes
- Ambrose F. Stotts
- Lafayette Stowe
- Alfred Summers
- Ellis A. Taber
- Annie Taylor
- Lewis M. Thomas
- Jelle VanArum
- Thomas Wilson VanSlyke
- William T. Waer
- William Robert Waer
- Lorenzo Dow Watson
- John C. Welch
- Arthur G. Wells
- James Albert Welsh
- Newton Thomas Wilford
- William C. Williams
- Horace F. Wilson
- Robert C. Wygant
- Erich Gottfried Zimmerman
- Ernest Reinhold Zimmerman
- Henry Samuel Zimmerman